  • アスジャ・インドネシア国費留学生・広島大学大学院
Q. プログラムを通して、どのような成果を得ることができましたか。

From the Exchange Program activity prepared by ASJA International, I’ve got many information especially about ASEAN Community. For example, the history of ASEAN Community, Aims and Purposes in the ASEAN Declaration, and also explanation about the content of the blue print in ASEAN Community. ASEAN Countries need to make cooperation with other countries, to improve the acceleration in every field (politics, economics, education, technology and health), for example cooperation with JAPAN.
Another aspect that I’ve been learned about this program is; I’ve made a new friend with the Japanese student, self-development and awareness leading to enhanced self-confidence, enhanced interest in global issues (ASEAN-JAPAN) as well as a broader general knowledge, to improve the analytical and problem solving skills and increased pressure to communicate and relate to others develops an awareness of group dynamics and personal sensitivity towards others.

Q. 活動中、印象に残ったエピソードを教えてください。また、そのエピソードが印象に残った理由を教えてください。

The discussion session in group is the most impressed session for me, because from this session we had a change to make a warm communication with the group member, transfers knowledge, idea and also we could make an argument about the issues of the condition of the cooperation between ASEAN-JAPAN, especially about the Socio-Cultural Community such as how to advancing and prioritizing education, investing in human resources development, and promoting information and communicating technology. By doing this kind of activity together (discussed and made a power point) even though we had a limited time as a group I feel like I had a great time and good experience on it. It was unforgettable moment in my life.