The most memorial moments were the after hour sessions as we gathered to spend quality bonding sessions with fellow participants. Apart from our discussions about our topic at hand, we also spent quality time bonding with one another as we learned about each other on a personal and cultural level.
The most important take away from the workshop in my opinion was to delegate and co-exist with people from all walks of life. Learning to work with the “cards that you have been dealt with” is a common situation as we enter the working society. Hence, it is up to an individual to understand how to draw out the potential of each “card” and tactically provide them with the correct situation for them to flourish.
The two keywords that need to be addressed are “Cultural awareness” & “Empathy”. Through the workshop, I was able to not only learn about Japanese social culture & traditions but also for those of my fellow ASEANs’ which truly is a wonderful and priceless experience. These experience are important and where better to start if not from education. Learning to compromise and provide a win-win situation does not only exist in a political/sales transaction but it also exist in the mundane parts of our life.